--- Shrewsbury Men's Shed
Mens friendships tend to be side by side,
based around shared activities and
often in groups

Welcome to Shrewsbury Men's Shed

What is Shrewsbury Men's Shed?

We are a Charity focused on helping make the world a better, happier place.

Our Men’ Shed is one of over 1000 in the U.K. Back in 2010 there were only 30!

Men are famously reluctant to attend other services and events intended to appeal to them or help them in some way whether they be adult education courses or preventative health initiatives. Us fellas have, therefore, been described as ‘hard to reach’ by social policy makers and organisations concerned about a crisis in men’s health. Into this depressing picture stepped Men’s Sheds, which appeal to men’s wish to shape their own services and decide on their own activities.

Shrewsbury Men’s Shed’s first massive project was converting the dilapidated former stable block we now call home into fabulously well-equipped workshops, reception, gardening, meeting and social space!

Send your men to us!

The grumpier the better! Men arrive at our door via any number of routes. Some just turn up having decided they fancy the projects, the positive atmosphere and the excellent machine tools. Others are encouraged to come by wives and daughters, or health care professionals, who are concerned for some reason.

Us men are simple creatures (women often credit us with layers of sophistication we just don’t possess). Give us something to make, mend or grow and other men to moan about stuff with and we are generally pretty happy.


We are dedicated to improving the lives and mental health of men.
Your contributions help us make a difference.

Whether you choose to help through monetary donations, volunteering your time, or spreading our mission through word-of-mouth, thank you. We couldn't accomplish our goals without the help of supporters like you.

The kinds of things
we do

We are continually developing our 300m2 Shed, its workshops, huge greenhouse, raised horticulture beds, commercial kitchen and patio area. In the next year, we aim to incorporate an adjacent stable block. This will add a hobbies, crafts, art and pottery space, storage, shot-blasting and paint spray booth as well as a larger metalwork/engineering and fabrication area.

We also look for projects which are FUN, ACHIEVABLE, CHARITABLE (in that they help others in need) and TRANSFORMATIVE (in that they are impactful and worthwhile).

To date, these have included –

• Helping safeguard the future of the craft of Coracle building by organising and hosting a filmed 2-day build, under instruction, of 6 traditional Shrewsbury Coracles.

• Being contracted by our local Councils to provide the infrastructure for a River Ferry service across the Severn linking the 100-acre County Show Ground to the town centre.

• Saving and relocating for our use and to produce food Percy Thrower’s huge old Greenhouse, which was facing demolition.

• Constructing a carved and engraved Oak Story-telling Throne for one Shropshire Primary School and a Mud Kitchen for another.

• Starting a pilot project to restore benches, bins and signage in Shrewsbury town centre which are in a state of advanced disrepair.


shedspace-headspace-mental-wellbeing-health Large

These projects and others have been the kind of Win/Win/Wins we look for. They have given fun, friendship and achievement to our Shedders allowed the sharing of skills and knowledge and prompted a lot of laughter. They have provided or saved something important for another Charity or group and added to the facilities of our town and county.



View our constantly changing refurbished tools and kitchen equipment for sale in our eBay shop

Or, find us on Facebook Marketplace here

Meet some of our Members

Are you contemplating

Does it seem a bit daunting? Can’t see yourself enjoying Zumba, Stitch and Bitch or pouring your heart out over the course of a coffee morning? Don’t fancy your feet stuck to a Wetherspoons spiral pattern carpet either? Then call in any weekday, have a brew and a look around. Odds are you’ll sign up and get cracking.

We are always seeking more Shedders and we’ll help you find a way to pitch in that suits you. We all have skills and knowledge that the Shed will value – even if we’ve forgotten what they are for now.

Where can you find us?

The Shrewsbury Men’s Shed is based on the West Midlands Show Ground on the fringe of the town centre. If you enter via the main gate turn right and drive slowly straight ahead following the signs.

Shrewsbury Men’s Shed
Stable Block CD, West Midlands Showground, Shrewsbury, Shropshire SY1 2PF

Telephone: 07863 95947

Email: [email protected]

Monday: 10 – 4
Tuesday: 10 – 4
Wednesday: 10 – 8
Thursday: 10 – 4
Friday: 10 – 4
Saturday – Sunday Closed

Frequently Asked Questions.

Any man over 18 able to be safe around machines and be a friend to others.

There is a crisis in men’s health meaning men die earlier than they should and commit suicide at between three and four times the rate women do. Part of this is due to loneliness and an unwillingness to talk to others about worries. The male company and renewed sense of purpose found in Men’s Sheds has been proven to have huge benefits. Also see the links in’Health and Wellbeing Matters’

We are starting to open some Saturdays and would like to increase this.

At the moment the monthly fee payable by standing order only is £5. There is an additional £1 for each visit which covers all the tea, coffee and biscuits you can get through.

Lack of space has so far limited this to electric bicycles and motorcycles.

As you come and go as you please rather than attend for set periods you choose what sandwiches and snacks you want to bring.

Health and Wellbeing Matters

We are continuously expanding our focus and resources on Health and Wellbeing matters for our Shedders and wider community. We’ve seen the positive impact first-hand that Sheds have had on men and we recognise there’s even more we can do!

For more information, please follow the link here to the UK Men’s Shed Association Wellbeing area where you’ll find help guides, resources and advice on a range of mental and physical health topics. 

Some of our projects